October 1 2012

more prusa prints


Safety switch mount location mount ideas

bolt to the end?

Holes in bottom can be used for a clamp or snap in mount maybe?

Bolt to the bar?

less tempting to hit bar mount?

block the ramps fan mount?

Make a custom z stepper mount that can be bolted to?

maybe attach to the extra bit of rod?

August 12 2012

My Reprap Prusa! IS DONE! AND IT WORKS!

Im too excited to sleep!
Sorry for the bad quality images. I cant find my camera.

First print was a shot glass. It was very fragile as I printed it hallow by mistake.

second print is a spool mount with filament guide. http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:20663
The first arm was derped a bit on the first few layers when the spool bumped the table X_X

Sill useable though :)
More blurry bad images!

I will probably end up setting up a webcam so you can see what Im printing live later on :)
I’m so happy with how this MakerFarm kit worked out :)

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