March 29 2010

Didj Cart V2.22

So with the latest HUGE response I have gotten of 95+ people wanting one board or  more.
I  will have to order more parts and order a larger number or batch 1 boards.
The latest design that I have sent out to have 9 prototypes made with the board order .
I should be getting the prototypes in a week or so.
After I have verified that the design has no major problems I will send out for a big board order from a board house 150 +boards


  • MicroSD cart part changed.
  • Trace cleaning up
  • Led for Debugging or anything you want
  • Jumper for D6 removed and jumper for cart detect added

Details of the ordering:

3 options will be available.

  1. Bare PCB
  2. Un-soldered kit form
  3. Fully soldered and tested cart

I am looking at the option to partner  up with possibly.

March 21 2010

Didj cart v2.1

some changes made to reduce costs

  • Replaced switches with a jumper, only D5 is needed to boot from the UART
  • header added so any of the UART to usb adapters can be used
If you are interested in buying one of these boards send a email to haxtormoogle at gmail dot com or post a comment here.
I’m looking to see how many I will need to be made