February 9
DiJi hacking
Useful Programs
Command Reference
have fun hacking :)
Cart uart adapter
residue from the label :-D
my new starwars didj
Random Diji Notes:
- The processor in the Diji is binary compatible with the ARM7TDMI therefor can run Uc linux
To display a raw rbg image on the lcd
layer-control /dev/layer0 s enable on
layer-control /dev/layer0 s format B8G8R8
layer-control /dev/layer0 s hstride 3
layer-control /dev/layer0 s vstride 960
layer-control /dev/layer0 s position 0 0 320 240
layer-control /dev/layer0 s dirty
imager /dev/layer0 /yourimage.rgb
Just a quick question regarding mods between DJHI V2.8 and the V2.2 layout. Why the change from 45 degree traces to curved traces? Seems like it would have made it a bigger PITA to do the layout. (?)
The change was to try and keep the sd data lines the same length while reducing the noise the sharp edges can cause.
> The change was to try and keep the sd data lines the same
> length while reducing the noise the sharp edges can cause.
Whoa – what kind of clock rates are you pushing? I haven’t been able to find a freely available doc on clock speeds, edge speeds and skew, just the “simplified” one. Do you have such a beast, or a link to it? All I can find so far is that the DiDj can support 4MB/s -class cards.
I wonder if, inside the DiDj, the length mismatches are almost at the edge of the spec if you’re seeing problems in your old layout. All the adjacent connection endpoints aren’t exactly far apart =/
-Something to think about anyway.
Heh – and _now_ I have to go and look at how to do curved traces in Eagle – a feature I never knew they supported :P