May 3 2010

First Batch Shipped

The first batch of DJHI have shipped.
I’m building them in batches based on led color, Green had the most orders so it was done first, Blue will be next.

Post office worker was mad at me lol :-D

The longest receipt ever!
Looking into printing the postage though paypal.
Driving to the post office might be a problem soon…

now I’m off to build more boards

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Posted May 3, 2010 by Moogle in category "Didj


  1. By Carl on

    I cant wait till I find em in my mailbox! Thank you for all the hard work on the hardware. I really liked your work-bench, I would like to get to that level some day (reflow station, microscope, SMD, etc). Thanks for helping out those of us who don’t have the mad skills yet :)

  2. By Rich Sias on

    I keep finding a few suppliers for the right angle pins for the alldave ckt (USB) . BUT each time the 60 cent item gets stung by a $7 shipping kludge. All for a 10 gram part. If you had anthing that could work, include it with the DJHI and I can pop google checkout another $1 at you ( or pay pal)

    1. By Moogle on

      I am looking into finding these headers cheep to sell

  3. By Ross on

    Woohoo! Going green FTW! Waiting impatiently by the mailbox. :-)


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