April 8 2010


yes the boards have arrived :)
Much thanks is needed to DorkBotPdx.org !
Due to a mistake there are 12 of the V2.0 boards and 3 of the V2.2
I now have all the parts for a 150 board run except the boards that I am checking out the design before I have them made

The 11 V2.0 and 2 of the V2.2 will be sold to those in the IRC chan that are working on the kernel , lightning boot etc … that way they can be fully tested before the big board order goes out :)
I am working on a web store at www.JerTechOnline.com Pre orders may start there soon
First assembled V2.2

So very low profile!
V2.0 hacked :)
I successfully hacked a V2.0 cart to use any Uart adapter
Just a little header work is needed

Uart boot jumper under the uart connector

V2.0 Normal

Still very low profile :)

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Posted April 8, 2010 by Moogle in category "Didj


  1. By Eric on

    Whooooo! I’m in for one, just registered on your site, any chance of a release earlier than April 30th?


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