Metric ton of music
I have been lazy to post links to my music that I have been working on
So here are a metric ton of them :-D
Most are not finished
some are just tests lol
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Check Engine Soon – Problem found
You may remember a while back I had an issue with my check engine soon light turning on with my 2000 sl Saturn.
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Bukkit plugin (Moogle Controll) Preview
Modloader compatibility on the way
They are almost done!
Just a few more minor bugs to work out then the update will be ready for release :)
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Minecraft mod idea# 37,784
The shank:
Made with one glass block and one cow hide. the shank can only be used once but is a one hit kill, if you miss your target the shank’s ability for the one hit kill goes away and the max damage it can do is reduced by 25% (with each miss)from a one hit kill. once you miss 4 times the shank breaks. when the shank hits a target it breaks so be careful with your shanks
Collision detection fine tuning
You can now make really narrow passageways :)
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corner blocks and such
Grass fixed
Grass now renders properly
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